Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 26th, 2012


In Class:
Journal: Wade back through the last 15 pages of The Tortilla Curtain. Identify one passage--no longer than a paragraph--that sums up a theme or thread of the novel. Make note of this passage, and then briefly explain the theme or significance of the passage.
In groups of three, students reviewed the primary plot and character developments from Part Three of the novel. Each group should write a 2-paragraph summary of about a) what happened, and b) how the characters change or don't change.  
Individually, each student wrote an alternative ending to The Tortilla Curtain, beginning anywhere in the course of the plot.

Class reviewed Shane's model outline for Literary Analysis #1. An image is included below. Important notes:
a. I copied the passage into the outline so I had an easier time reviewing and quoting within my essay. Students should do this on their outlines/first drafts too.  b. I incorporated general ideas and sentence fragments, but focused mostly on thesis and structure/organization so I would have some idea where the essay was going. c. This is not the only way to format an outline, and I do not require any specific format; the purpose, rather, is to give you a starting point, some direction, and an opportunity to begin thinking more critically before writing.

Work on your outline or rough draft; it is due next Monday, and you will not have much class time dedicated to it on Wednesday.

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