Monday, November 12, 2012

Tortilla Curtain Literary Analysis Assignment Sheet

Modern Literature – Literary Analysis #1

Due dates:
Outline and/or Rough Draft — Monday, December 3rd
Final Draft — Friday, December 7th, 2012

In order to expand your knowledge of literature and cultivate your ability to critically analyze text, you will create a ‘close reading’ analysis of The Tortilla Curtain by T.C. Boyle. This exercise will both extend your interpretation of the novel and also foster your growth in critical thinking overall.

Assignment: Your task in this literary analysis is to develop a thoughtful, relevant thesis, which you will then expand and support throughout an organized essay. You shall use textual evidence to support and articulate your argument.

In order to create a focused close reading, you should choose a particular passage, chapter, or small section which represents a larger, overarching theme of the novel: think part-to-whole.

You may analyze any theme which you consider significant and insightful. However, some particular ideas may include:
·      Immigration and human rights
·      Gender roles
·      Classism
·      Racism and ethnic heritage
·      Family dynamics and structures
·      Fear and security
·      Social privilege
·      Humans’ relationship with the natural environment
                                        …and many more.

Keep in mind, this is not a book report. You should not just summarize a particular passage, but draw some deeper, insightful conclusion regarding the passage. What are the big-picture implications, ideas, and themes that the passage (and, by extension, the book) communicates?

There is no page maximum or minimum; you should use as much writing as is necessary to convey your understanding—to prove that you’re an expert on this theme. If you need a number, though, shoot for five pages.

You must use MLA format. If you have any questions, consult the MLA Handbook, Purdue OWL (, or Shane.

Tips for success on this project:
·      Start early. The more time you allow yourself, the better your analysis will be.
·      Ask questions. I’m here to support you throughout this project—you are absolutely welcome to ask for help, to bounce ideas off me, or to just chat.
·      Choose a theme that really stuck out to you; then, find a passage that completely supports your insight. You might struggle if you try to complete the process in the opposite order.

Your paper will be graded by the rubric below.


Literary Analysis: Student develops an insightful, organized close-reading of his/her chosen passage from The Tortilla Curtain. The analysis should be built on a strong thesis and supported with textual evidence. The essay should be in MLA format with minimal grammatical/mechanical errors.
Format                                       (25 pts.)
MLA format, as outlined in the MLA Handbook or online at Purdue OWL.
Thesis                                         (40 pts.)
A thesis should be a strong, focused, and relevant insight/argument.
Organization                             (40 pts.)
An essay should be organized in a logical manner which most clearly and persuasively conveys the argument.
Support                                      (40 pts.)
An essay should include frequent and appropriate textual evidence throughout in order to support the argument.
Grammar and mechanics       (40 pts.)
Grammatical and mechanical errors can distract from the content of a paper if they are too blatant or too frequent. Ask if you have any questions. Don’t rely on Microsoft Word.
Insight                                        (40 pts.)
The most significant function of the essay is to provide unique, compelling insight which helps the reader understand a new side of the studied text.
225 total points possible.

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