Wednesday, November 7, 2012

November 5th, 2012


In Class:
Journal: When you hear the phrase ‘traditional family,’ what do you picture? What role does each member of the family play?
Discussed family models, including the notion of the 'nuclear family' and stereotypical American life.

Collaborative writing: Exchange the letter you wrote for homework with another student. Respond from the appropriate perspective (i.e., if the letter was written to China, respond as if you were China; if the letter was written to Jeremy, respond as if you were Jeremy). When finished, put both student names at the top and submit for credit.

In groups, students created a family tree for Delaney’s family and Cándido’s family, making notes of each character’s role in the family, gender, and personal characteristics. 
<<-- Example

Independently, each student read the provided introduction to Feminist literary theory and wrote a brief (3-5 sentence) summary of the perspective in his/her own words. Additionally, each student wrote at least one question he/she still had about the theory.

Read through p. 200 of The Tortilla Curtain by Wednesday.
Write a page of América’s diary, due Monday, 11/12.

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