Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November 14th, 2012


In Class:
Journal--Describe an experience when the presence or absence of money somehow changed the course of your life.

The class was arbitrarily into two separate groups using traits beyond the control of group members (e.g., eye color, birth place, etc.). Each group began building a model bridge; one group used considerably weaker materials, while the other group had several material advantages. 

After testing and presenting the bridges, the class determined that the end result would have been much stronger if the class had collaborated, using the stronger materials of the 'advantaged' group and the ideas of the 'disadvantaged' group. This exercise demonstrates the inequity of resources and access in a stratified capitalist society, as well as revealing the futility of competition between various classes.

Introduction to Marxist literary critical theory, including ideology, socioeconomic status, hegemony, commodity fetishism, and reification. Introductory reading packet distributed to students.

Finish The Tortilla Curtain by the end of break.


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