Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Midterm and Final Project

Modern Literature – Final Project

Due dates:
Proposal — Wednesday, February 6th, 2013 (*Note: This will be your ‘midterm’)
Essay — Wednesday, February 27th, 2013
Presentation — on or before March 6th, 2013

In order to expand your knowledge of literature’s context in our culture, you will engage in a research project and presentation on 1984 by George Orwell. This exercise will both extend your interpretation of the novel and also foster your growth in critical thinking overall.


For this project, you will identify and research an actual oppressive, overreaching, authoritarian, or totalitarian government from history or from the present. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
·      Republic of Sudan
·      Democratic People’s Republic of [North] Korea
·      People’s Republic of China
·      United States of America
·      Republic of Cuba
·      Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
·      Islamic Republic of Iran
·      Greater German Reich
·      State of Libya
·      United Kingdom/British Empire
…and many more.
You should choose a country and government you are interested in learning more about; while many countries have very interesting histories of government, find one that you genuinely care about.

Part One: Proposal
By Wednesday, February 6th, you must submit a proposal for your project outlining your initial thoughts. The proposal should include the following:
·      The country and time period you plan on researching
·      A brief description of the oppressive government
·      A brief description of at least one clear connection to 1984

If you do not submit a proposal by February 6th, you will see an ‘IP’ on your reports, regardless of your performance prior. You can still earn a passing grade on the project and in the class, but only if you catch up.

Part Two: Essay
Your project will include a traditional essay which compiles your research, analyzes your findings, and connects the actual government to Oceania in 1984. Be sure to include:
1)    the history and establishment of the government.
2)    the manner in which it is oppressive, overreaching, authoritarian, or totalitarian, including specific examples.
3)    the details of important leaders in the government.
4)    the response to oppression from the people (or lack thereof).
5)    the connection to 1984.

Your essay must use MLA format. If you have any questions, consult the MLA Handbook, Purdue OWL (, or Shane.

There is no page maximum or minimum; you should use as much writing as is necessary to demonstrate your new learning—to prove that you’re an expert on this government. If you need a number, though, shoot for three pages.

Part Three: Presentation
Your project will also include a presentation to the class on your chosen government. You should address the same ideas you tackle in your essay; this presentation is an opportunity to showcase what you’ve learned and to educate your peers about it.

Multimedia presentations are highly encouraged: you should consider using a slideshow, YouTube, a poster, a song, or other resources that will enhance your material.

Tips for Success on this Project:
·      Start early and take your time. The more time you allow yourself, the better your research and analysis will be.
·      Ask questions; submit drafts; get help from others. I’m here to support you throughout this project—you are absolutely welcome to ask for help, to bounce ideas off me, or to just chat.
·      Choose a country that really interests you: it will be obvious whether or not you care.

Important Note on Research: It is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL that you document your sources. You must know where your information is coming from. Failure to document your resources properly will result in a severely decreased performance on the project.

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