Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 16th, 2013


In Class:
Journal--  What is the most unfair or illogical rule or law you have ever encountered?
Assessment (Pop quiz):
1) Describe one 'handicap' from the story.
2) What is the fate of Emperor Harrison Bergeron and his Empress?

Discussed the meaning of literature as a socially relevant art form and a transactional "meaning-making" process. Defined theme, plot, character, and characterization in relation to writing and reading.

theme: the implicit, abstract meaning or message or a piece of literature or art.

plot: "what happens." The storyline of course of events.

character: an 'actor' in a story--can be a person, animal, or object.

characterization: the deliberate process of developing and explaining a character. Uses action, thoughts, dialogue, and direct description.

Students read "LZ Gator, Vietnam, February 1994" by Tim O'Brien independently, then identified characters and character traits. Class arranged general plot events in a flowchart form. Students articulated themes using the 'standard format' for our class purposes: In "LZ Gator, Vietnam, February 1994," Tim O'Brien uses ____________________ to convey the theme of the __________________ .

Introduction to 1984 and George Orwell, including graphics of The British Empire and the fictitious world of the novel:

British Empire, circa mid-1930s

Fictional territories in 1984.

Distributed 1984 to students.
Exit Ticket: What is the definition of 'theme?'

Read through p. 42 of 1984.

NOTE: Class will not meet on Monday, January 21st. Next week, we will meet on Wednesday and Friday.

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