Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22nd, 2014


In Class:
Journal--  What do you need to survive? To thrive?

Reviewed and discussed Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs, particularly as it pertains to The Tortilla Curtain. Is this model accurate? Realistic? Applicable?

In pairs, each student reflected on the characterization of the primary characters in The Tortilla Curtain: Delaney, Kyra, Cándido, and América. Discussed and debriefed as a class (to be followed up on next Tuesday).

Introduced and explained the midterm 'exam.' Although 80 minutes of the next class period will be allotted for this 'exam,' it is recommended that you start as soon as possible.

Begin midterm.
If you have not already finished Part One of The Tortilla Curtain, do so.
Catch up on any missing work. 

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