Friday, April 11, 2014

April 10th, 2014


In Class:
Journal--  How does the video challenge us to question our privilege?  
privilege: a systematic social advantage belonging to a group or groups of people.

Since most students did not complete the reading assignment, the following agreement was arranged:
 - Today will be spent catching up on the reading.
 - Starting Tuesday, students are subject to a five-minute written plot summary on the prior reading assignment at the beginning of class, before the journal entry.
 - If every student in attendance submits an adequate plot summary, the instructor will provide a reasonable reward chosen by the students. (This round, the reward will be a serving of doughnuts.)

Students read The Tortilla Curtain for the remainder of class.

Exit ticket: Identify a time over the next five days that you can dedicate to reading.

Read through p. 65 of TC.

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