Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 29th, 2014


In Class:
Journal--  How do male figures in The Tortilla Curtain exact male privilege/dominance toward América?

Read and discussed part two of "Rodney King's Question" from Privilege, Power, and Difference by Allan G. Johnson, focusing particularly on the idea of privilege as a social system (as opposed to an individual bias or prejudice).

In groups of three, students constructed a bridge to span 9 inches between two desks using only materials provided to his or her group. This activity will be discussed and reflected upon next class.

Read through Pt. 2, Ch. 4 of The Tortilla Curtain.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 24th, 2014


In Class:
Journal--  Reflect on the first half of the block. What have you accomplished? What could have gone better? What will you do differently in the second half to ensure your success?

Students worked independently on midterm.

Read through Ch. 2, Pt. 2 of TC.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22nd, 2014


In Class:
Journal--  What do you need to survive? To thrive?

Reviewed and discussed Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs, particularly as it pertains to The Tortilla Curtain. Is this model accurate? Realistic? Applicable?

In pairs, each student reflected on the characterization of the primary characters in The Tortilla Curtain: Delaney, Kyra, Cándido, and América. Discussed and debriefed as a class (to be followed up on next Tuesday).

Introduced and explained the midterm 'exam.' Although 80 minutes of the next class period will be allotted for this 'exam,' it is recommended that you start as soon as possible.

Begin midterm.
If you have not already finished Part One of The Tortilla Curtain, do so.
Catch up on any missing work. 

Midterm Exam -- Modern Literature

Modern & Contemporary Literature: Privilege and Society
Midterm Exam

To demonstrate your engagement with our reading, discussion, and topics of study thus far, please respond to the following prompts and questions on a separate sheet of paper. This exam is worth 200 pts. of your total grade; each prompt is valued at the number of points listed in bold beside it.

1) Compare and contrast the following pairs of characters from The Tortilla Curtain. Consider their personal attributes, philosophies, actions, and worldviews.
            - Delaney & Cándido
            - Kyra & América
            - Jack Jardine, Jr. & José Navidád

2) In traditional literature, there is typically a protagonist (good guy) and antagonist (bad guy). However, as we first discovered in “The Love of My Life,” T.C. Boyle blurs the lines of morality to create a much more realistic portrayal of his characters—human beings are never all good or all bad. What attributes and actions make Delaney the protagonist? What attributes and actions make Cándido the protagonist? What attributes and actions make Cándido the antagonist? What attributes and actions make Delaney the antagonist?

3) How does Maslow’s hierarchy apply to the following excerpt of The Tortilla Curtain? How do América’s needs and aspirations frame the concept of suffering? How does this connect to the concept of privilege?
“She was tired, that was all. Her shoulders ached and her fingers burned where the skin was peeling back from her nails. And she was hungry, always hungry. If she’d stayed in Tepoztlán through all the gray days of her life she would have had enough to eat, as long as her father was alive and she jumped like a slave every time he snapped his fingers, but she would never have had anything more, not even a husband, because all the men in the village, all the decent ones, went North nine months a year. Or ten months. Or permanently. To succeed, to make the leap, you had to suffer. And her suffering was nothing compared to the tribulations of the saints or the people living in the streets of Mexico City and Tijuana, crippled and abandoned by God and man alike. So what if she had to live in a hut in the woods? It wouldn’t be for long. She had Cándido and she’d earned her first money and now Cándido was able to work again and the nightmare of the past few weeks was over. They’d have a place by the time the rains came in the fall, he’d promised her, and then they’d look back on all this as an adventure, a funny story, something to tell their grandchildren. Cándido, she would say, do you remember the time the car hit you, the time we camped out like Indians and cooked over the open fire, remember? Maybe they’d have a picnic here someday, with their son and maybe a daughter too” (139/___).

4) Read “Putting up the Gates” by Edward J. Blakely and Mary Gail Snyder. Reflect on the use of a gate in Arroyo Blanco Estates using evidence from the novel and from the reading.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 17th, 2014


In Class:
Journal--  In The Tortilla Curtain, Boyle uses Candido's and Delaney's voices to refer to both Candido and Sacheverell as 'sorry lumps of meat/flesh'--a phrase also used in "The Love of My Life." What sort of statement do you think Boyle is trying to make, particularly about Delaney's perception of Mexicans?

As a class, we read and discussed "Rodney King's Question" excerpt from Privilege, Power, and Difference, 2nd edition. [Those who were absent should read the handout and take notes to submit for credit.]

Independently, students began the next reading assignment from The Tortilla Curtain.

Read through the end of Part One of TC; prepare to write a plot summary.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April 15th, 2014


In Class:
Plot Summary-- Recall what you can from the last reading, including the answers to the following prompts:
* Describe the accident and the characters' reactions.
* What is the fate of Sacheverell? How does Delaney respond?
* Has América found work yet?
* What happens to the camp at the end of this reading assignment?

Journal--  Listen to "White Privilege" by Macklemore. How does Macklemore identify and discuss the concept of privilege within the world of hip-hop?

As a class, we reviewed and discussed the plot details so far:

Exit ticket: Define 'privilege.'

Read through p. 124 of TC.

Friday, April 11, 2014

April 10th, 2014


In Class:
Journal--  How does the video challenge us to question our privilege?  
privilege: a systematic social advantage belonging to a group or groups of people.

Since most students did not complete the reading assignment, the following agreement was arranged:
 - Today will be spent catching up on the reading.
 - Starting Tuesday, students are subject to a five-minute written plot summary on the prior reading assignment at the beginning of class, before the journal entry.
 - If every student in attendance submits an adequate plot summary, the instructor will provide a reasonable reward chosen by the students. (This round, the reward will be a serving of doughnuts.)

Students read The Tortilla Curtain for the remainder of class.

Exit ticket: Identify a time over the next five days that you can dedicate to reading.

Read through p. 65 of TC.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 8th, 2014


In Class:
Journal--  What right do immigrants have to be in America? How should the government respond to illegal immigration?

Discussion and mini-lesson on the history of immigration policy in America, including Mexican Repatriation, the National Origins Formula, the Bracero program, and the DREAM Act. Screened Stephen Colbert's "Alabama Migrant Workers" excerpt, and then read "So Mexicans are Taking Jobs from Americans" by Jimmy Santiago Baca. Ultimately, immigration is not an issue of economics or ethnicity--it is a matter of privilege, power, and compassion.

Students began reading The Tortilla Curtain by T.C. Boyle.

Exit ticket: Describe Delaney Mossbacher.

Read through p. 49 of TC for Thursday.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

April 3rd, 2014


In Class:
Journal [Postponed to 4/7/14.]

Reviewed remaining section of class syllabus.

As a class, read "The Love of My Life."

Read the New York Times articles on the teenagers who inspired "The Love of My Life."
Complete the reflection worksheet for "The Love of My Life."

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April 1st, 2014


In Class:
Welcome! Binder set-up and organization.

Journal--  Respond to (agree, disagree, qualify, explain, re-word, connect, reflect) the following quote: 
"The love of family and admiration of friends is much more important than wealth and privilege." -Charles Kuralt 
Students participated in a gallery walk of 17 images, responding to what they saw and what it made them think by writing on the images themselves. The class shared out responses afterwards to try to ascertain the thematic connections: how are these images related? 

All of these images contain examples or manifestations of privilege.
privilege: a systematic, social advantage belonging to a group or groups of people.
Discussed the existence of privilege in our society:
- How is privilege designated?
- Is privilege always bad?
- Is privilege universal?
- Is privilege always apparent?
Noted that those who are privileged have not necessarily done anything wrong: those with white privilege are not necessarily racist, nor are those with male privilege necessarily sexist. Therefore, we should not shy away from these terms as 'accusatory'. Rather, it is the responsibility of the privileged as well as the non-privileged to acknowledge, discuss, and act upon social inequities.
intersectionality: the concept that a person's identity is made up of an infinite number of intersecting identity traits. 

Noted that our racial, sexuality, gender, ability, and class identities are important, but far from the only defining factors that make us up.

Began reviewing class syllabus and expectations. (We will continue doing so next class.)

Read "The Love of My Life" by T.C. Boyle by Thursday.