Thursday, February 28, 2013

February 27th, 2013


In Class:
[15 minutes to print, polish, and proofread essays.]
Journal--  Respond to the following quote: "Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth." - Mahatma Gandhi

Finished Declassified: Joseph Stalin, including worksheet and class discussion. Instructor will collect worksheets on Monday, March 4th.

Students worked independently on missing work (missing journal entries, work included on individual missing work reports, final essays, golden lines) or on final presentations for next week.

Prepare final presentations.
Catch up on any missing work.

Monday, February 25, 2013

February 25th, 2013


In Class:
Journal--  What is the significance of Winston's intellectual transformation at the end of 1984?

Watched and discussed first section of Declassified: Joseph Stalin and completed corresponding worksheet.

Students worked independently research, composition, and revision for final projects.

Finish essay.
Finish golden lines.

February 22nd, 2013


In Class:
Journal--  "The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin

Mini-lesson on proper research citation in MLA format.

Students worked independently on research, composition, and revision for final projects.

Reviewed important due dates:
Final project essay due Wednesday, February 27th.
Golden Lines due Wednesday, February 27th.
Presentations completed on or before Wednesday, March 8th.
All missing work submitted by Wednesday, March 8th.
Final journal collection on Thursday, March 9th, at 3:00 PM.

Exit ticket: What percentage of your golden lines have you finished?

Finish golden lines by Wednesday.
Finish essay by Wednesday.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

February 20th, 2013


In Class:
Journal--  The Judeo-Christian model of moral behavior, the Ten Commandments, identifies 10 essential rules of virtue and goodness: You shall...
...have no other gods before me.
...not make for yourself an idol.
...not take the Lord’s name in vain.
...remember the Sabbath day.
...honor your father and mother.
...not commit adultery.
...not steal.
...not lie.
...not kill.

...not covet.
Which of these standards are enforced by our legal code? Which are enforced by our social standards? Do you consider these ideas to be essential to being a ‘good person?’

Defined and discussed terms of morality in sociological context: norm, folkway, more, taboo, law, moral, immoral, amoral.

Read "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathon Swift. Discussed the social construction of morality, especially in relation to 'orthodoxy' in 1984.

Addressed questions on final projects so far.

Exit Ticket: When is your essay due?

Keep working on final.
Polish golden lines.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February 13th, 2013


In Class:
Journal--  Respond to the following quote: "Hate the sin; love the sinner." - Mahatma Gandhi

Read and discussed "You and the Atomic Bomb" by George Orwell in context of 1984 and the Cold War.

Reviewed final project deadlines: essay due two weeks from today! (Wednesday, February 27th)

Exit ticket: Who should be allowed to have an atomic bomb?

Finish 1984 by Wednesday.

Note: we will not have class on Monday, February 18th (President's Day). We will meet instead on Wednesday and Friday next week.

February 11th, 2013


In Class:
Journal--  Revisit Goldstein's discussion of "War is Peace" (164-77). What is the purpose of sustained war in Oceanic society?

Class jigsaw activity in Russian Revolution history covering Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, The Bolsheviks & the October Revolution, and Russian Civil War (1917-1922). Discussed information and relevance to the establishment of the USSR. [Get notes from a classmate.]

Exit Ticket: Why does 'hope lie in the proles'?

Read through p 232 of 1984 by Wednesday.
Make sure you are keeping golden lines!

Monday, February 4, 2013

February 4th, 2013


In Class:
Journal--  Describe how Julia is simultaneously orthodox and unorthodox by the standards of Big Brother. Do you think this is more or less effective than direct rebellion?

Seminar discussion of 1984.

In-class time to work on project proposals and research.

Exit ticket: List at least three terms/words from 1984 that are unique to the book (e.g., doublethink). Think of terms especially that you might be having trouble understanding.

Read through p. 178 of 1984 by Wednesday.
Make sure you have all 8 journal entries by Thursday at 3 PM.
Project proposals due Wednesday by 10:40 AM.
Catch up on any missing work.