Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October 22nd, 2012 - Welcome!

Welcome to Modern Literature: The Privilege of Existence!

This blog is a resource for you, the students, to keep up with work, reference prior assignments, and find course information. A brief summary of each class period will be posted here, in addition to important course documents.


In Class:
Distributed course materials, including daily journals and the first course text, The Tortilla Curtain by T.C. Boyle.
Reviewed syllabi, course expectations, grading policies, etc.
Contrasted two children's books, Let's Do Nothing by Tony Fucile and The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, to key in on crucial elements of the definition of literature. Explored and the concept of theme: the implicit, abstract meaning or message of a work of literature or art. In the iceberg analogy, the theme is the bulk of the iceberg hidden beneath the surface.
Introduced T.C. Boyle and began reading The Tortilla Curtain.

Read through p. 30 of The Tortilla Curtain.

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