Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 6th, 2013


In Class:
Journal-- "One day you will realize that material things mean nothing. All that matters is the well-being of the people in your life." - Leon Brown

Students completed "A Somewhat Brief Survey on Modern Literature -- Living Rebellion" (feedback on course and instructor).

Student presentations from Keegan M., Anna M., and Lily R.

Independent work time to catch up on missing assignments or finish finals.

Exit ticket: What grade do you think you deserve in this course?

Be rebellious over break!

Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4th, 2013


In Class:
Journal--  Describe one way in which Stalin's USSR is similar to/different from INGSOC's Oceania.

Screened and discussed "Olya Povlatsky" in regards to contemporary effects of Stalinism on the culture and living conditions of Russian citizens.

Screened and discussed "Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's Trial at Gitmo" in connection to torture, forced confessions, habeus corpus, and censorship in 1984 and the USSR.

Jesus H. and Angel M. presented on the connections between Oceania and Nazi-era Germany.

Independent work time to: finish missing work (essays, golden lines, journals, etc.) and prepare presentations.

Note: Please return 1984 when you have completed your final!

Exit Ticket: How will you celebrate your freedom over the upcoming break?

Finish any missing work.

Finalize presentation.